Good Morning Dear Readers!
Release Week for Poison Forest continues today with a post from Lauri Starling. Have you ever played Dungeon & Dragons? Whether you've dipped into the epic fantasy role playing game or not, D & D has remained part of nerd culture for decades and has gained mainstream pop culture status through outlets such as Critical Role, featuring a group of voice actors getting together for a filmed gaming session, and Amazon's The Legend of Vox Machina based on Critical Role's past campaigns, among others. Dungeons & Dragons is even getting a new film coming next year: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, starring Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and Rege Jean Page.
Dungeons & Dragons is known for creative character building so what better way to give a glimpse of a Fantasy Book character, than to create a D & D style character sheet for them. If Princess Thedra dropped into the Dungeons & Dragons universe, here is what her character sheet might look like.
