Like so many of you out there, 2022 for us has been a haze of a year. We did big, showy awesome stuff and we did quiet, behind-the-scenes stuff. We found our groove and then faced challenges that threw us off that groove. We learned some things, got better at some things, and held on tight to our resolution to grow and thrive.
If 2020 was our year of creation
And 2021 was our year of reflection
2022 was our year of reevaluation
Like any good company, we must constantly reevaluate our value. To our authors, our readers, and the market as a whole. We watched many companies come under fire; for good reasons and bad. And all the while, it maintained and strengthened our mission to bring great stories into the hands and hearts of readers without sacrificing the safety and well being of our authors.
In 2022 we:
Had four cover reveals:

Released five books:

Signed six new books:

Welcomed a new addition to our crew to make sure our books get into as many hands that will love them as possible.

Received 378 QueryManager queries plus a slew of agent direct requests.

Our website, including this blog, was visited over 9,000 times!

We had our books reviewed and featured in Publishers Weekly, Forward Reviews, Kirkus, and more.
And we couldn’t have done it without the support of those around us, including you!
